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SP2020 Apple Standby: Ready to Color the National History

SP2020 Apple Standby: Ready to Color the National History

SP2020 Apple Standby: Ready to Color the National History

February 14, 2020 | BPS Activities

Today, together, all BPS staff in Indonesia are holding the 2020 Population Census Alert Apple (SP2020). This apple coincides with just one day of the Online Population Census which will be held tomorrow from February 15 to March 31, 2020. At BPS (Central) the apple itself is held at the BPS parking lot, employees are present wearing blue shirts with the writing #MencatatIndonesia. Apple starts with gymnastics with the participants.

Pembina Apel, Head of BPS, Kecuk Suhariyanto invited all BPS employees to gather today to unite their intentions. "I want all my friends, from the central to the district, 16,000 BPS employees to have a strong commitment to the success of SP2020. This is the time for us to contribute not only to BPS, but to the future of the nation, "Kecuk said.

Tomorrow is a major step in national certification with the start of an online census which is one of the breakthroughs in SP2020. "This is necessary with two objectives, firstly because we realize that the mobility of the community is very high, they are very busy so we give people the opportunity to participate, and at the same time we want to increase public awareness that we all have responsibilities to be aware of administration," according to Kecuk.

This census has also been approved by the number one person in Indonesia when launching the implementation of SP2020, 24 January. "If the president, governor, all universities are ready to participate in SP2020, surely our enthusiasm must be doubled. When our enthusiasm is somewhat down, friends must stick in his mind that what we do is not only for BPS, but also to color the history of the Indonesian nation, "he added.

At the end of Apple, Kecuk and all the employees present put their handprints on a long banner symbolizing BPS 'internal readiness in the implementation of SP2020. A moment that is immortally immortalized by the media present. "The 2020 Population Census noted that Indonesia is moving towards a population data to reach developed Indonesia," closed Kecuk.
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