October 25, 2024 | Other Activities
As Indonesia's STIS Polytechnic celebrated the graduation of 677 students, Acting Chief Statistician Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti highlighted the pivotal role these young statisticians will play in advancing the nation’s data-driven future. Addressing the graduates, Amalia emphasized the importance of adaptability and professionalism as they prepare for placements across Indonesia. “You’ll be working in diverse environments, where adapting will be key. Approach your work with professionalism, humility, and inclusivity. Those who adapt well will undoubtedly find greater comfort and success in their roles,” she remarked.
Amalia urged the graduates to apply their statistical expertise in ways that serve the country, noting that they will often be regarded as primary sources for statistical insights in their workplaces. With this responsibility, she encouraged them to navigate their interactions with respect and discernment. "Wherever your careers take you, may you work with productivity and purpose, fulfilling the hopes we all share for STIS graduates," she concluded.
The class of 2024 comprises 345 graduates from the D-IV Statistics Program, 170 from the D-IV Statistical Computing Program, and 162 from the D-III Statistics Program. The graduation ceremony, held in two sessions at the STIS Auditorium on August 31, featured a virtual message from Abdullah Azwar Anas, Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform. Anas highlighted the growing demand for skilled statisticians in the era of data and technology, calling these graduates the "frontline" for supplying accurate insights to shape public policy. “The government needs your expertise to drive data-based reform. Continue to innovate, apply your knowledge, and contribute toward a more progressive Indonesia,” he encouraged.
The keynote address, delivered by BPS Principal Secretary Imam Machdi, explored "Big Data and Official Statistics in Public Policy." In his speech, Imam underscored data’s vital role in policy formulation, from planning to oversight. He urged graduates to champion data-driven policymaking, contribute to technological and statistical advancements, and improve public statistical literacy through outreach. “In every position you hold, I hope you’ll not only adapt but bring added value to your workplace and the community,” he concluded.
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