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West Jakarta Residents Ready to Succeed SP2020

West Jakarta Residents Ready to Succeed SP2020

West Jakarta Residents Ready to Succeed SP2020

December 10, 2019 | BPS Activities

West Jakarta - Time has not shown at 06.30 West Indonesia Time, but rows of masses from various layers have lined up neatly following the rhythm of the SKJ gymnastics and aerobics. The activity is part of the 2020 Population Online Census Socialization event (SPO2020) organized by West Jakarta City BPS in collaboration with the West Jakarta City Government and DKI Bank on Sunday (08/12) in the Motor Vehicle Free Day (HBKB) area , Hayam Wuruk, West Jakarta.

Present Head of DKI Jakarta Province BPS, Buyung Airlangga, Head of West Jakarta Environment Agency (Sudin LH Jakbar), Edy Mulyanto representing West Jakarta Mayor, West Jakarta City BPS Head as host, Munawaroh, Head of East Jakarta City BPS, Banua Rambe, and Head of the Kepulauan Seribu Regency BPS, Pudji Pangastuti. Do not want to miss the West Jakarta City BPS partners, and also PKK women from several villages in West Jakarta also enlivened the event.

The event was filled with SP2020 socialization from Buyung Airlangga, followed by Edy Mulyanto. SP2020 Gymnastics, as well as interesting quizzes and prizes and guided by MC Yulian Deehan from King Management who delivered the event neatly, the community was involved in the form of game prizes and song contributions. The atmosphere of the stage was more lively with the presence of artist Oza Kioza (member of the duo wolf music group), who hit the stage with the currently favorite song "I Don't Know What Entered You" accompanied by rocking tiktok by the masses present.

On that occasion, Buyung invited all citizens of DKI, especially West Jakarta to actively participate in the success of the 10 year event.

"The 2020 Population Census!" Cried Edy at the beginning of his remarks, which was answered "Noting Indonesia" simultaneously and enthusiastically by the attendees. It is a sign that West Jakarta is indeed ready to succeed the 2020 Population Census, "he said. Furthermore Edy expects that all citizens are registered, because this census is very useful including for the benefit of the environment. By knowing the exact population, we will know how much garbage is produced in West Jakarta.

Erita, one of Mitra, expressed her determination to help socialize the SP2020 to her neighborhood. "I want to socialize to my residents, especially the Kelagungan Village, by coming to the homes of residents, but permission first to RT RW," he explained. When asked whether he was optimistic that residents would make data collection, Erita expressed very optimistic. "If he is not willing "I want it. But God willing, all people want it, the citizens will also accept it," he said enthusiastically.

Dila, a citizen present who is also a member of the PKK said that he just found out about this census from the socialization on this day. He enthusiastically said that he and his friend also wanted to participate in this online census. "If online is not difficult, just follow the procedure, download it in the application, but BPS will socialize it to the residents first," he ordered.

Separately, Munawaroh hoped that with this socialization event, the community would be aware that in February 2020 there would be a Population Census. "I hope this SPO will succeed, because SPO is very suitable to be applied in West Jakarta, because there are many elite areas and apartments. They can also do census anytime, I want this online target of 30 percent ", he hoped. Furthermore, Munawaroh will also conduct socialization to apartments, and also the census goes to school to several high schools in West Jakarta.
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