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BPS Wins WTP and Champion 2 BMN Management

BPS Wins WTP and Champion 2 BMN Management

BPS Wins WTP and Champion 2 BMN Management

September 13, 2019 | Other Activities

Jakarta - Two awards were won by BPS in the 2019 National Accounting Meeting and Government Financial Reporting, with the theme "Optimizing Financial Information in the Digital Era for Advanced Indonesia". The National Working Meeting held for two days (11-12 / 9) aims to increase the understanding and participation of stakeholders in providing reliable and relevant state financial information. In addition, participants can also share information related to optimizing the use of information technology and databases in order to provide quality state financial information for decision making.

In this activity, appreciation was also given to the State Ministries / Institutions (K / L) whose Financial Statements obtained WTP opinions, while at the same time educating K / Ls that did not yet receive WTP opinions. Besides that in terms of managing State Property (BMN), the government also presented the BMN Award to 11 K / L which was divided into 3 categories (K / L groups) namely BMN Utilization, BMN Reporting Quality, and BMN Certification. "I want to give appreciation to ministries and institutions that have used or utilized, reported, and secured our BMN. I would also like to express my appreciation to the ministries of institutions that have innovations in the use of information technology in BMN management, "explained Sri Mulyani, Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia.

What should be proud of is that on this occasion BPS won the Fair without Exception (WTP) award for the presentation of the 2018 financial statements. Another achievement was as the second winner in the category of quality reporting on state property for the K / L group (with more than one hundred work units below Ministry of Finance). Financial information in the form of WTP is certainly not the end of future budget improvements. A perfect feedback loop in the future is expected to not only use the financial statements of each K / L.

Sri Mulyani further explained that the report on the Finance Governance Statistics will accommodate the consolidated financial statements of the central government and the financial statements of the local government. "In this case we will continue to make improvements and cooperate with relevant parties. So that from a macro perspective, BPS will make it easier to estimate some components such as government consumption, gross fixed capital formation or investment in the impact of state finances. Hopefully the results will be increasingly accurate and can be used by other institutions, "Sri Mulyani added.
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