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BPS BMN Management Solution through 3T

BPS BMN Management Solution through 3T

BPS BMN Management Solution through 3T

November 8, 2018 | Other Activities

Bogor - The ability to manage State Property (BMN) is still an obstacle for the work unit (satker) in BPS. More effort is needed to improve the ability to manage it properly, effectively, and efficiently. This can be done through a good understanding of the provisions and procedures for managing BMN. The aim is to realize the management of BMN in an orderly manner, legal order, and physical order (3T). This was conveyed by the Main Secretary of BPS, Adi Lumaksono when opening the BPS BMN Technical Guidance Management in 2018 at the Aston Bogor Hotel, (6/11). The theme taken at the bimtek this time is "Through the 3T BMN Management, We Win WTP with Synergy".

Adi further said optimism that BPS could maintain WTP. "I am still optimistic that we can retain the WTP opinion this year because PAPs are no longer an achievement. However, we have become a necessity as a form of accountability for state finances, "he said.

On that occasion, 105 participants from the provincial BPS throughout Indonesia, satker within the scope of the General Affairs, BPS Training Center, and STIS Statistics Polytechnic got insight into BMN management through speakers from the BMN Directorate General of State Assets of the Ministry of Finance, Royani.
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