December 18, 2018 | BPS Activities
Jakarta - Harmonious collaboration in supporting basic tasks and functions in the fields of statistics and financial services is needed. Especially in the preparation of Indonesia's Full Sequence of Accounts / Sectoral Accounts and Balance Sheets (FSA / SAB). For this reason, commitment, coordination, cooperation and synergy between OJK and BPS in the context of exchanging and utilizing statistical data and information and financial services need to be improved.
Efforts towards that direction have been realized in the form of the Signing of Cooperation Agreement (PKS) carried out by the Deputy Commissioner of Financial System Stability OJK, Y. Santoso Wibowo with the Central Secretary of BPS, Adi Lumaksono at the Pullman Jakarta Hotel (13/12).
The activity which also aims to obtain macro indicator data as a support for financial service data surveillance at OJK is a follow-up to the implementation of the memorandum of understanding signed on 31 August 2016.
In his remarks, Adi said that, in entering the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era, the financial sector was a very vital sector. This is due to the increasing needs of various sectors of the economy for transactions using various platforms provided by financial service providers. "Just say, the role of the financial sector in e-commerce, digital transactions, transportation, and communication. Transactions in the form of cash / manuals are believed to be decreasing and replaced with e-money / cashless transactions," Adi said.
While Santoso in his remarks stated that the provision of accurate data and information for OJK was very strategic. OJK considers this cooperation important. He hopes that from this collaboration, accurate, consistent and continuous data can be generated, which can later support the strategic planning of institutions and government in general.
"I hope that this collaboration is not only formal in the form of exchanging data, but must be accompanied by a gathering, because this is also important in the community, nation, and state," Santoso said. "Hopefully this cooperation will be more intense so that it is expected to be carried out with enthusiasm, full of dedication, still maintaining professionalism, and united in producing something useful for the nation," he said again.
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