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SP2020: For More Accurate Population Data

SP2020: For More Accurate Population Data

SP2020: For More Accurate Population Data

September 13, 2019 | BPS Activities

"It's better to have just one data source. From the two data sources, each of which claims the data is accurate, "said Bambang PS. Brodjonegoro, Minister of National Development Planning / Head of Bappenas in the Rateknas Head of Regency / City BPS in Yogyakarta, (11/9). Bambang's presence brought the message that one population data was the answer to the need for more accurate population data.

 "I strongly agree with one population data. Don't be in the habit of having multiple versions. Some of these versions have become alternatives. The problem is that there is no alternative data. This democratization should not make this data collection or data verification biased. What I want to build is the spirit to get to one data, "said Bambang.

According to Bambang, even if the data is produced by different institutions, it must be consistent and the data must be representative, accurate, and meet statistical principles. "Therefore, through the Perpres One Data and the Draft Perpres on Biological Statistics, in the future, it is expected that the population data will be one, both based on census data and from population administration. So we make consistency. After having a concrete and solid database, the data must always be updated regularly, consistently and accurately, so we have more accurate population data, "he said.

Seeing the concept of an outer space event, Bambang also advised the BPS staff. "BPS should not only be futuristic in the future, but also in presenting data. Now is the time for BPS to register itself as an NSA (National Statistics Agency, ed) that has used massive big data. We welcome SP2020 as a step towards a population data, for improving the administration data. This SP product statistics are unique and most important. Because basic data is widely used for policy formulation. This is an extraordinary moment, every 10 years. Moreover, this SP will be carried out by BPS millennials, "he concluded.
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