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Susenas Data Reveals Education Problems in Indonesia

Susenas Data Reveals Education Problems in Indonesia

Susenas Data Reveals Education Problems in Indonesia

May 24, 2018 | BPS Activities

"Although education funding has been established in the constitution, in reality there are still many problems in the field of education, some regions have not been able to meet the educational standards." We want to get information on data, inputs and views from BPS "said Abdul Fikri, Opinion (RDP) of Working Committee of National Standard of Primary and Secondary Education (Panja SN Dikdasmen) with BPS on Wednesday (23/5) in Commission X meeting room of Nusantara I Building of DPR RI.

The RDP is chaired by Deputy Chairman of Commission X, aiming to obtain information on: how the data collection system managed by BPS related to education and its accessibility to the public. Another intention is to know how the pattern of coordination and synchronization of BPS with Kemendikbud in the development of educational statistics, and how the method of data collection education.

M. Sairi Hasbullah, Deputy of BPS's Statistics of Social Affairs, explicitly presented various education data produced by Susenas, such as school participation rate, out of school children, literacy rate, school readiness number, net enrollment rate, gross enrollment rate, etc.

Sairi further explained that, there are differences in education data collection by BPS and Kemendikbud. BPS uses household-based Susenas data, while Kemendikbud uses school registration through Basic Education Data (Dapodik). Between BPS and Kemendikbud there has also been a division of tasks in issuing educational figures, so minimal overlapping occurs. "Susenas data can be linked to other indicators, that is the wealth of Susenas owned by Indonesia" explained Sairi.

Appreciation of BPS data is also shared by several board members present in the RDP. "We will give input to the ministry to always hold one data," said Djoko Udjianto, chairman of Commission X of the House of Representatives (DPR RI), "if we are from Commission X, the data from BPS that we hold, and that should be the nation's commitment to all data flowing from BPS data. who in this RDP sitting as vice chairman of the session. (Humas BPS / Wid)
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