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Efforts to Improve the Quality of Susenas Data

Efforts to Improve the Quality of Susenas Data

 Efforts to Improve the Quality of Susenas Data

July 30, 2018 | BPS Activities

Yogyakarta - BPS is again preparing to conduct the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) September 2018 Consumption / Expenditure Module. This module is the basis for calculating macro poverty data. Besides the module, also implemented Susenas 2018 Cultural and Education Module.

In the Opening of Training of National Susenas Instructor Candidate September 2018, (24/7), Director of BPS People's Welfare Statistic, Gantjang Amanullah stressed that the Heads of All-Indonesia Provincial BPS and all employees oversee, maintain, and present the quality of Susenas.

In line with that, Deputy of Statistical Methodology and Statistics of BPS, Moh. Ari Nugraha appreciated some provincial and kabupaten / kota BPS that have shown quality improvement. "One of the influential elements is better and open communication between heads of provincial / regency / municipality BPS, kabidsos, kasisos, kabid and cation IPDS, and kabag and administrative heads in the effort to guard the quality of the data," Ari continued.
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