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Agricultural Data Integration

Agricultural Data Integration

Agricultural Data Integration

June 10, 2014 | BPS Activities

For the second time, the BPS collaborated with UNESCAP and FAO in holding a workshop on agriculture and rural statistics. The event titled the Second National Stakeholders Workshop on Initiation of the Regional Action Plan to Improve Agriculture and Rural Statistics, at Borobudur Hotel on May 2, 2014. It was attended by various ministries, agencies and relevant associations. The workshop discussed the results of the studies that have been conducted since the previous workshop in December 2013.

In the beginning, the FAO representative Allan Nicholls and FAO consultant Michael Trant delivered the research results and field findings on the agriculture data collection methods in Indonesia. Afterwards,the discussion session began, led by the Deputy Chief Statistician for Production Statistics. The session was aimed at gathering additional information and soliciting inputs from the stakeholders about the agricultural commodities data that will be collected. The data continuity of various commodities of agriculture, fisheries, estate crops, forestry, and livestock proposed by the stakeholders must be guaranteed.

The Head of Data and Information System Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, Tassim Billah, as one of the stakeholders actively took part in the in-depth discussion, particularly concerning the data integration between the ministry as agricultural data provider and the BPS. Later on, the action planand strategy in the integration began to be formulated. The Deputy Chief Statistician for Statistical Methodology and Information enthusiastically supportedthis integration effort in order to improve thequality of data on agriculture.
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