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One Farm Data FGD: Efforts to Provide Quality Poultry Data

One Farm Data FGD: Efforts to Provide Quality Poultry Data

One Farm Data FGD: Efforts to Provide Quality Poultry Data

November 1, 2019 | Other Activities

Bogor - All must agree that the provision of quality poultry data is needed. One of them is to produce formulations and important agreements in the presentation of livestock data. More specifically in calculating population estimates and production and supply-demand for poultry products both meat and eggs.
Efforts towards that direction are being explored in the form of the One Data Farms Group Discussion Forum (FGD), which was held at the Renotel Olympic Hotel, Sentul Bogor area, Monday (4/11). The event, which was organized by the Directorate of Statistics of Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Forestry (SPPK) of the BPS, had the theme Synergy to Increase Participation and Collaboration in Providing Quality Poultry Data.
Aside from BPS, FGDs were also attended by relevant stakeholders, such as: Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Industry, Indonesian Poultry Entrepreneurs Association (GAPPI), National Chicken Breeders Organization Association (GOPAN), Association of Indonesian Poultry Breeders (GOPAN) PINSAR), and several Indonesian Poultry Companies selected in several Regencies / Cities in West Java province.
The event continued with a joint discussion, where the Head of West Java Province Doddy Herlando, BPS, acted as the moderator. Some speakers were also presented as speakers, namely the Director of SPPK BPS Kadarmanto, the General Chair of the Poultry Breeding Company Association (GPPU) Paulus Krissantono, and Rofi'i, the Head of the Poultry Production Section, the Poultry and Various Livestock Sub-Directorates, the Directorate of Breeding and Animal Production, Ministry of Agriculture.
"Data is a vital tool, a kind of lung of all activities of both the state and companies, without our data will be paralyzed, therefore we are ready to help BPS in terms of data fulfillment," Paulus said when giving his presentation.
Hopefully this FGD can create synergistic relations between the parties concerned, as conveyed by the Deputy of Statistics BPS Production M.Habibullah when giving a speech in front of the participants. "This FGD is expected to be a means for creating a synergistic relationship between BPS, livestock companies / associations, universities, ministries / institutions, and all related parties in producing quality livestock data that can be used by all parties," he said.
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