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Susenas-Sakernas Innas Training Integration 2019

Susenas-Sakernas Innas Training Integration 2019

Susenas-Sakernas Innas Training Integration 2019

January 25, 2019 | BPS Activities

Bandung - Nearly six hundred retainers of social statistics from the provincial, district, and city BPS were collected in the Flower City. Divided into two locations, they will be trained for approximately eight days in the National Instructor Training (Innas) National Economic Social Survey (Susenas) and National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas).

Susenas is a supplier of 55 of the 183 SDGs indicators. Almost every year there are always new things from Susenas. In 2018, Susenas succeeded in integrating with the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) conducted by the Balitbangkes Ministry of Health. This year, Susenas will be integrated with the Study of Toddler Nutrition Status (SSGB) to supply the needs of stunting data in Indonesia. Not only that, the September 2019 Susenas will be a special survey to fulfill SDGs indicators.

"Always present love in work, so that the results are maximized," joked Gantjang Amannullah, Director of BPS People's Welfare Statistics when motivating participants at the Susenas Innas Training at Papandayan Hotel (1/16). BPS. Meanwhile at El Royale Hotel, Nurma Midayanti, Director of Population and Employment Statistics, BPS explained several new things that were in Sakernas this year. There are questions in the Sakernas questionnaire that are reduced in order to simplify. However, to accommodate the presence of digital economic phenomena, new questions appear. In line with Gantjang, Nurma also emphasized the importance of maintaining data quality to the participants. "The output of this survey is the unemployment rate which often becomes a polemic in the community, so it is very important for us to guard the quality," Nurma said.
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