October 14, 2024 | Other Activities
"The strategic importance of the 2026 Economic Census (SE2026) will play a significant role. Not only will it contribute to development planning and the achievement of national goals, but SE2026 will also greatly benefit the private sector, especially business actors and the general public," stated BPS Deputy for Distribution and Service Statistics, Pudji Ismartini, while opening the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Enhancing Public Literacy on Economic Indicators in preparation for SE2026 in Jakarta on October 14.
BPS once again organized an FGD with business associations to strengthen coordination, collaboration, and stakeholder involvement for the success of SE2026. Additionally, this event aims to gather input and suggestions to ensure that SE2026 meets the needs of its beneficiaries, particularly business actors. Representatives from at least 11 business associations headquartered in Jakarta participated in the FGD.
The discussion was moderated by BPS Director of Price Statistics, Windhiarso Ponco Adi, with BPS Director of Distribution Statistics, Sarpono, serving as the keynote speaker. In his presentation, Sarpono highlighted that the data from SE2026 can be used to identify investment opportunities and new markets, as well as to map regional economic strengths and potentials, allowing stakeholders to formulate more targeted policies.
Positive feedback was received from several business association representatives, including Lily Widjaja from the Indonesian Securities Companies Association (APEI). "We would be proud to participate in SE2026 and support the realization of Indonesia Emas 2045. APEI will encourage our members to provide accurate data so that it can be truly beneficial," Lily remarked.
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