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Inauguration of the BPS’ Assessment Center and Counseling Center

Inauguration of the BPS’ Assessment Center and Counseling Center

Inauguration of the BPS’ Assessment Center and Counseling Center

April 30, 2024 | Other Activities

As a part of the endeavor to enhance the assessment center's role in evaluating and enhancing human resource capabilities, BPS officially opened the new space for the Assessment Center-Counseling Center BPS (AC-CC BPS) today, on the 30th of April. The inauguration was led by the Acting Chief Statistician of BPS-Statistics Indonesia, Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti, alongside other senior BPS officials.

Throughout the event, there was a notable presence of various dignitaries including senior officials from BPS, representatives from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the National Civil Service Agency responsible for overseeing the Functional Assessor Position, practitioners from assessment centers, along with virtual participation from Heads of BPS Provincial Office across Indonesia and the assessors within those provincial offices.

The BPS Assessment Center, founded in 2020, is set to undergo further optimization in assessment procedures this year. Consequently, a new facility has been integrated with the Counseling Center situated in Building 1, 9th Floor. During his address, BPS Principal Secretary, Atqo Mardiyanto, mentioned, "Our goal for this year is to assess 670 employees. Hence, BPS will facilitate assessments conducted by assessors duly accredited by the National Civil Service Agency."

Simultaneously, the Counseling Center is designated to cater to the counseling needs of BPS employees, providing services facilitated by psychologists. In addition, efforts to enhance employee welfare include the expansion of the BPS Primary Clinic, which was also unveiled today.
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