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Inauguration of BPS Functional Officers

Inauguration of BPS Functional Officers

Inauguration of BPS Functional Officers

September 29, 2017 | Other Activities

Today, BPS is inaugurating some functional officers within BPS (central), ie functional of statistics (33 people), computer staff (27 people), personnel analyst (1 person), and widyaiswara (4 persons). 
In his speech, Chief Statistician of BPS Statistics Indonesia, Kecuk Suhariyanto, said in the future the inauguration of functional officials will be routinely carried out according to the mandate of Government Regulation No. 11/2017 on Civil Servants and Chief of National Civil Service Regulation No. 7/2017. 
Further Kecuk said the functional functional tasks are independent, its means when decided to become functional officials, then automatically, they are required to think creatively and innovatively in completing various outputs according to their respective functional positions, without waiting for orders / directions from superiors. "But of course it needs coordination so that the activities carried out must be significantly beneficial for the organization," he added. 
Congratulations for contribute significantly to improvement of BPS.
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