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Inauguration of the Lamongan Regency BPS Office

Inauguration of the Lamongan Regency BPS Office

Inauguration of the Lamongan Regency BPS Office

April 8, 2019 | Other Activities

Lamongan - BPS Main Secretary, Adi Lumaksono accompanied by Lamongan Regent, H. Fadeli inaugurated the Lamongan Regency BPS Office today (4/4). Construction of the office is completed right for 100 calendar days, starting from September to December 2018.

The inauguration was also attended by the Chairperson of the Lamongan Regency DPRD, the Lamongan Regional Leadership Communication Forum, representatives of the Lamongan Regency Government agencies, agencies, departments and secretariat, several vertical agencies, and the Head of BPS District / City in East Java.

In his remarks, Adi explained about BPS duties and authority. Meanwhile, Fadeli said that by occupying his own office, the ranks of BPS Lamongan could work better, so that the data produced would be more accurate as a basis for the performance of the district government. After the signing of the inscription, Adi and Fadeli reviewed the new building of the BPS Lamongan Regency.
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