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Inauguration of Lebak Regency BPS Office

Inauguration of Lebak Regency BPS Office

Inauguration of Lebak Regency BPS Office

February 15, 2019 | Other Activities

Lebak - Opened with the strains of the Holy Qur'an, Lebak Regency BPS Office was inaugurated yesterday (1/30). The construction of the office, which was supposed to start in 2015, had been delayed by budget approval and was only realized last year. The inauguration which was full of local nuances was carried out by BPS Chief Inspector Akhmad Jaelani and Lebak Regent, Iti Octavia Jayabaya.

In his remarks, Jaelani said that Lebak Regency had extraordinary natural and cultural tourism potential. The beauty of Sawarna Beach with its exotic coral has become a favorite tourist destination for domestic and foreign tourists. On the other hand, Lebak has a distinctiveness with the existence of Bedouin communities that have their own uniqueness. "Of course this potential is an attraction that can drive the tourism sector in Lebak Regency," he said.

Meanwhile, Iti promised that the Lebak Regency Government would support BPS activities, one of which was the implementation of the 2020 Population Census. After the signing of the inscription, Jaelani and Iti reviewed the new building of BPS Regency Lebak
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