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Recommendation Activity Statistics: For Reliable National Statistical System

Recommendation Activity Statistics: For Reliable National Statistical System

Recommendation Activity Statistics: For Reliable National Statistical System

February 28, 2020 | Other Activities

Located in the Hall of the Central Bureau of Statistics Office, the socialization Mechanism for Submitting Sectoral Statistics Activities which was attended by 31 technical personnel from 21 Ministries / Institutions. This activity is a tangible manifestation of BPS fostering other government agencies in organizing sectoral statistics.
Statistical activities such as surveys are not only conducted by BPS, but can also be carried out by other government agencies. In accordance with Law No. 16 of 1997 concerning Statistics, government agencies that will conduct surveys are required to report planned survey activities to be carried out to BPS. Since the issuance of Presidential Regulation no.39 / 2019 concerning One Data Indonesia, government agencies awareness of the holding of sectoral statistics to make the submission of sectoral statistical activity recommendations is increasing. This is in line with the enthusiasm of the participants in participating in this socialization activity.
In this activity, BPS also introduces participants to the submission of recommendations online through ROMANTIK Online. Submission of statistical activity recommendations aims to complete the National Statistics System (SSN), so that statistical activities are not duplicated in conducting statistical activities. In addition, the notification of sectoral statistical activities to BPS is expected to be able to assist the general public in finding the required statistical data. The statistical activity metadatabase that was developed not only contained basic statistical activities (statistical activities carried out by BPS) but also included activities carried out by government agencies other than BPS and private institutions. The active role of government agencies in reporting statistical activities to BPS greatly helps BPS in realizing a reliable, effective and efficient SSN.
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