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National Statistics Day 2023 High Quality Statistics for Onward Indonesia

National Statistics Day 2023 High Quality Statistics for Onward Indonesia

National Statistics Day 2023 High Quality Statistics for Onward Indonesia

September 26, 2023 | Other Activities

National Statistics Day (NSD) is celebrated every September 26 each year as an honorable moment to recognize the importance of statistics in many aspect of life. NSD does not only the birthday of the BPS-Statistics Indonesia, but also it belongs to the entire nation. For all statisticians in Indonesia, NSD is also a remembrance moment to continue the spirit to contribute for the nation through providing and developing the high quality statistics.

The History of National Statistics Day

The history of NSD began in February 1920, when the Dutch Indian Government established the Director of Agriculture, Crafts and Trade (Directeur Van Landbouw Nijverheld en Handel) in Bogor. The agency is responsible for processing and publishing statistics. In September 1924, statistical activities moved to Batavia, followed by the agency name transition into the Centraal Kantoor Voor De Statistiek. 

On 26 September 1960, the Government approved Act No. 7 of 1960 on Statistics to replace the 1934 Statistical Ordonnantie. Specifically, the Act regulates the work of statistics and the organization of the Central Bureau of Statistics. In August 1996, the President of The Republic of Indonesia established the date of its legislative Act No. 7 of 1960 on Statistics as "National Statistical Day". The date is considered as the breakpoint of statistical independence from the rules of the colonial legislative system. Later on, the Government of The Republic of Indonesia enacted the Act No. 16 of 1997 on Statistics, replacing the Act Nos. 6 and 7 of 1960.

National Statistics Day 2023

The theme of the NSD 2023 is “High Quality Statistics for Onward Indonesia”. The theme implies that high quality statistics is crucial in determining the direction of Indonesian development, specifically in achieving Golden Indonesia Vision 2045. 

As a data provider agency in Indonesia, BPS-Statistics Indonesia took the National Statistics Day today as a milestone in strengthening its role to provide the high quality statistics and to be the board of statistics patrons. “As a national statistical office, BPS is proud to be a statistical data provider for the public and the government, and is committed to continuously enhancing its role and contribution to statistics in the country. As a government decision support, BPS-Statistics Indonesia strives to continue to produce more qualified and more diverse data which beneficial and in line with national development priorities, especially in the direction of Golden Indonesia Vision 2045,” said BPS Acting-Chief Statistician, Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti. 

Aligned with that, Amalia also stated that as the board of statistics patrons, BPS-Statistics Indonesia committed to improve continuously in its capacity and capabilities as a conductor of the statistical management system so that the Official Statistics produced by BPS and ministries/agencies and local governments will enriched in quality and consistency.

Let us unify, shoulder to shoulder to achieve the high quality statistics for Onward Indonesia. Happy National Statistics Day 2023.



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