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Talking about the Population Census before Dukcapil Selindo
Talking about the Population Census before Dukcapil Selindo
November 29, 2019 | Other Activities
Jakarta - Why are the population data between the Directorate General of Population and Civil Registry (Dukcapil) and BPS different? What is the role of district / city Dukcapil in the 2020 Population Census? What are the concrete steps towards Population Data? The questions from the participants were answered completely at the 2019 National Population and Civil Registry Coordination Meeting activity at the Discovery Hotel, Ancol (26/11). The participants came from Dukcapil Services throughout Indonesia.
BPS had the opportunity to be a guest speaker. Endang Retno Sri Subiyandani, Head of BPS's Public Relations and Law Bureau, conveyed the importance of One Population Data for Indonesia. The 2020 Population Census is one of the concrete steps to get there. "The United Nations (UN) recommends three Population Census methods, namely the traditional method, the combination method, and the registration-based method," said Yani, Endang Retno's familiar greeting Sri Subiyandani.
This SP2020 will use a combination method that is making Dukcapil data as basic data for conducting data collection in the field. "In its implementation, BPS will replicate the Dukcapil data which will then be used as the SP2020 database" explained Yani. Hopefully there will be no more differences in population data. De facto and de jure concepts can be generated through SP2020.
Arif Wibowo (Deputy Chairperson of Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives), another resource person, supported the realization of this Population Data. "To get to this point, certainly regulations or rules are needed. This is to strengthen the performance of updating population data to be better and more accurate, "he said. "In the future the DPR will encourage the issuance of laws that protect personal data so that each of our citizens who are confidential can be protected and not misused," Arif added.
"If each of our citizens is orderly to report deaths, births, and population movements it will certainly reflect the state of the update on the ground," Arif hopes. This is the final destination. With the existence of an orderly population administration report, the Population Census of 2030 will use the third method recommended by the United Nations such as developed countries that have used it, namely the registration-based method.