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Spirit Collaboration in the 2020 Population Census

Spirit Collaboration in the 2020 Population Census

Spirit Collaboration in the 2020 Population Census

July 3, 2019 | BPS Activities

Jakarta - Kecak Dance and Asmara Ark have a solemn sign that marks the beginning of the "Indonesian Population Census Capacity Building" Coordination Meeting and Indonesian Building in the 1st Floor of Building 1, BPS (24/6). The event which was attended by representatives of ministries / agencies and the United Nations was a forum to introduce the Population Census 2020 (SP2020) while also informing BPS preparation in implementing the SP2020.
UNSD Headquarters expressed its support for BPS, starting from the technical side to dissemination in the SP2020. However, UNSD Headquarters Interregional Advisor on Population and Housing Census, Meryem Demirci said that more discussion was needed on the combination methods to be used in the SP2020.
Support was also stated by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA). "We will clearly collaborate with BPS in the 2020 Population Census by providing population registration data," said Director of Population Administration Information at the Ministry of Home Affairs Director General of Civil Engineering, Akhmad Sudirman Tavipiyono. Tavi added that the census data will be given back to the Director General of Civil Engineering to complete and update the previous population registration data.
The BPS-Ministry of Home Affairs collaboration was commented on by the Director of Planning and Social Protection of the National Development Planning Agency, Maliki. He said that the collaboration could produce consistent population data. The resulting data is expected to be used as a basis for effective policy making and government intervention in the field of population.
"This is a very good innovation and a risky challenge. We certainly expect more support from various parties regarding the 2020 Population Census, "said BPS Head, Kecuk Suhariyanto.
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