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BPS conducted the State Property Census (BMN Census) as its commitment to the property management. The property items enumerated are obviously distinguished by the BMN label tag.
Not only the primary censuses in the years ending in 0, 3, and 6, BPS is also now seriously preparing for the commencement of the property census. BPS will be the second government agency to run this census. The state property census is actually an obliged activity once every five years that must be carried by all ministries and agencies, but in actual fact the ministry of finance was the only one implementing it. This census will be another achievement for BPS after several awards received in the field of property management.
Prior to the time of implementation on May 2014, each work unit(division) has been encouraged to update the property items list and other items list for checking purpose. The updating process is as complicated as household or mapping updating in the major censuses.
The database to be referred by this census is 2013 SIMAK-BMN (Information System of State Property Management & Accounting). So what are the challenges in doing so? There are many. One of them is the difference in the item conditionand status between the current year 2014 and the previous 2013. For example, the operating cars of an office that has been handed in to another office without accurate record on the SIMAK-BMN would be considered ‘not-found item’ status in the origin office and ‘surplus item’ in the destination. “The whereabouts and changes of the property items can be traced but it surely needs an extra work from the enumerators”, said Yenny Eviyanti, the Head of Inventory Subdivision.
Other challenge particularly in regional offices is ‘lost item’ during relocation process to new office building. The item mishandling becomes the classic reason in this case. Different property classification between previous and current list is also a cause of the lost. Another issue is non-budgetary goods in the work environments that need special record.
SIMAK Operator: The Front Guard.
Yenny encourages the census enumerators to remind all employees to be cooperative during the census. She also suggests not to fail to report any movement of the state property to the SIMAK Operator in order to maintain the accurate list. "It must be realized that the state property items we use in our offices are our responsibility. Please kindly help the state property census team to create the accountable property list,"Yenny continues.
The Head of General Affair Bureau Pitono also encourage his subordinates to succeed the census. He continues to remind the SIMAK operators to be proudfor the unqualified auditor’s opinion achievement mainly contributed by the accuracy of their work. He also states an intereresting slogan in terms of work principles, ‘work hard, work smart, work well, and work with sincerity’.