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Merdeka Barat Forum 9 Discuss About Poverty

Merdeka Barat Forum 9 Discuss About Poverty

Merdeka Barat Forum 9 Discuss About Poverty

August 1, 2018 | Other Activities

Jakarta - On July 16, 2018, BPS announced the poverty rate of Indonesia in March 2018 of 9.82 percent. This number then makes a lot of parties to react because it touches the single digit number and became the lowest since the monetary crisis of 1998. Forum Merdekat Barat 9 (FMB9) initiated by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology today (30/7) raised it to be discussed with the media crew in order not to be confused.

Invited as resource persons were the Head of BPS, Kecuk Suhariyanto; Minister of PPN / Head of Bappenas, Bambang S. Brodjonegoro; TNP2K Executive Secretary, Bambang Widianto; and the Director General of Social Protection and Security of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs, Harry Hikmat.

Kecuk explained the poverty calculation conducted by BPS based on the concept of basic needs. This methodology refers to international standards and is widely used by developing countries, such as the Philippines, India and Vietnam. When there is news that says BPS deliberately calculates poverty during the harvest, Kecuk responds that BPS calculates poverty through the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) in March and September of each year.

"Judging from the development of poverty from 1999 to March 2018, indeed for the first time the percentage of poverty reached one digit, with a record that there are still many poor people at 25.95 million people. There is still homework to be completed, "explained Kecuk. PRs to be resolved include poverty imbalances between large cities and villages and still high disparities between provinces.

The kecuk also explained that one of the factors influencing the decline in poverty was social assistance that developed better in the first quarter. Harry said that in early 2018 it was working hard to improve the Family Hope Program (PKH) by updating data on PKH recipients, mentoring , and better channeling. "From the side of the ministry that executes the program, we hope there will be an impact on poverty reduction. In fact, the contribution of PKH is very significant to reduce poverty, "said Harry.
Bambang Widianto saw from a different perspective. Because the influence of food is very large on the Poverty Line (GK), he hopes for price stability. "The decline of poverty not only relies on social assistance but GK itself. The GK is equivalent to 73 percent of food, where 20 percent is rice. If we cannot maintain prices, especially the price of rice, no matter how good the program is, the poverty rate will increase, "he said.
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