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United Change Champion Can't Be Defeated

United Change Champion Can't Be Defeated

United Change Champion Can't Be Defeated

November 26, 2019 | Other Activities

Bandung - Commitment to change BPS in a better direction is echoed from the Flower City by the ranks of the drivers of change in BPS. This commitment was made in the opening of the BPS Change Management Workshop which was attended by the Smart Statcap PMO Team, Change Management Working Group, and Change Champion at the central and regional BPS (20/11).

After receiving public speaking training on the first day, the change champions received a briefing from the Main Secretary of BPS, Adi Lumaksono on the second day. "I really hope that in the future our way of speaking in public will be better. We all must be able to deliver the message. Don't just look stiff and difficult to understand," Adi said, giving direction.

Implementation of BPS's core values ​​in becoming behaviors and habits to strengthen organizational culture is a major concern. Adi cautioned that the polemic on BPS data lately has become a warning of the importance of explaining the data properly.

Atqo Mardiyanto, Head of the BPS Program Development Bureau, as the head of the organizing committee of the activity, said that the workshop will be filled with material from Proxsis Consulting Group which has been involved in implementing effective and efficient system management in the work environment. The workshop itself is planned to take place for three effective days and will close on Friday (11/22).
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