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Seven Directions of Change, Forms of Transformation and Bureaucratic Reform of BPS

Seven Directions of Change, Forms of Transformation and Bureaucratic Reform of BPS

Seven Directions of Change, Forms of Transformation and Bureaucratic Reform of BPS

January 21, 2022 | Other Activities

Surabaya - The topic of Bureaucratic Reform (RB) has been around for a long time. Efforts to make reforms and fundamental changes to the work management system are continuously being carried out. What next?

Materials regarding RB and the implementation of activities for the 2022 fiscal year became the main discussion in the Complete Leadership Meeting (Rapimkap) which took place at Vasa Hotel, Surabaya (19/1). The question of how the paradigm of RB is in the current era and how to guard RB at BPS was a matter that was thoroughly discussed by all BPS leaders present.

Appreciation was conveyed by the Head of BPS, Margo Yuwono, for the performance achievements of all work units at BPS, both central and regional in 2021. Margo reminded that in the following year RB was not just about fulfilling obligations. "Please all leaders who are present to dare to take opportunities, design new strategies, and always grow. Must be responsive and adaptive to change," said Margo.

Book 7 Directions for Change is the BPS answer to the question of how the transformation at BPS is carried out. This year BPS will focus on several quick wins, one of which is how to improve organizational capability (internally) and encourage statistical collaboration (external).

Deputy for Bureaucratic Reform, Apparatus Accountability and Supervision of the PANRB Ministry, Erwan Agus Putranto, was presented as a resource person at the Complete Leadership Meeting on the first day. The role of BPS in the government's Bureaucratic Reform was the material presented. Erwan conveyed the importance of shifting the paradigm of the new bureaucracy to improve the quality of data management. "The low effectiveness of government programs is due to
which is inefficient. BPS must be the solution to this problem," he explained.

The Rapimkap agenda was followed by the signing of the performance agreement of all the high leaders present. In the afternoon, the agenda was filled with the division of commissions to discuss the Evaluation of Changes in the Direction of BPS for the Implementation Year 2021. The next day, Rapimkap would still continue with the presentation of each deputy related to their respective main work programs in 2022.

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