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Change Management Workshop: BPS Welcoming SMART ASN

Change Management Workshop: BPS Welcoming SMART ASN

Change Management Workshop: BPS Welcoming SMART ASN

October 15, 2018 | Other Activities

Solo - "Persistence, the key to succeeding BPS. We have fallen a hundred times, one hundred times we have built again, "said the Head of BPS, Kecuk Suhariyanto in the opening of the Change Management Workshop entitled" With Changes in Organizational Culture, BPS welcomes SMART ASN "at Best Western Hotel, Solo, (9/10). Through this activity, the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) BPS, especially change leaders (echelon II officials) and change champions (echelon III officials) are expected to be able to improve communication, leadership, and other soft skills needed for the progress of BPS.

BPS Director of People's Welfare Statistics who is also Chair of BPS Change Management, Gantjang Amannullah explained that the workshop was useful in building exemplary attitudes in accordance with PIA values ​​(Professional, Integrity, Amanah, ed); preparing leaders who have innovative action plans; and improve employee competence in coaching, counseling, and mentoring in the work unit.

On this occasion, also launched #kalaubukankitasiapalagi hashtag, which should be said when two people meet and shake hands. These simple hashtags are of quite deep significance, reflecting beliefs as SMART ASN and mutual support. For more impressive hashtags, the GML Team (as a change management consultant at BPS) requires participants to make chants that reflect BPS PIA values.
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