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IDI Describes the Latest Democracy Phenomenon

IDI Describes the Latest Democracy Phenomenon

IDI Describes the Latest Democracy Phenomenon

July 3, 2019 | BPS Activities

Surabaya - This year is the 9th year BPS produces the Indonesian Democracy Index (IDI) figures. The product of this collaboration between BPS, Bappenas and the Coordinating Ministry for Politics and Security continues to receive public attention both in terms of methods, forming variables, and of course the end result. Margo Yuwono, Deputy of Social Statistics of BPS mentioned the review of methods and utilization of IDI data in the opening of the "IDI Data Reconciliation" event at JW Marriot Hotel, (27/6). "Not all regions regard the IDI as an important issue and use it in policy making. This is our big homework to educate data users in interpreting the ups and downs of numbers and concrete programs related to the ups and downs of the numbers, "explained Margo.
In line with Margo, Wariki Sutikno, Director of Politics and Communication at Bappenas supported the review of methodologies and variables forming the IDI. "Following the dynamics of democracy in Indonesia, of course we must continue to review, so that the accountability of IDI as a measure of the quality of democracy in Indonesia is maintained," he said. Furthermore, both Wariki and Margo shared the objectivity of the data produced by BPS. "Social reality is always multi-perception, that's where the power of BPS arguments are important, the important thing is that there is no intervention," explained Wariki before Brigadier General Budi Susanto, Assistant Deputy I of Domestic Politics, Kemenko Polhukam and all participants.
The two-day reconciliation activity was attended by the Head of the Social Statistics Division and the Head of the Social Security Section of the provincial BPS throughout Indonesia, as well as representatives from the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs and Beppenas. In this activity, each region was asked to discuss the IDI numbers produced along with the phenomena of democracy that occurred in their respective regions. This is of course to make it easier for data users to understand the issue of democracy that occurs behind the movement of the IDI numbers generated.
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