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Indonesian Democracy Index Increases

Indonesian Democracy Index Increases

 Indonesian Democracy Index Increases

December 18, 2018 | BPS Activities

Jakarta - "Producing IDI (Indonesian Democracy Index, red) this is a unique task for BPS. Usually the figures presented by BPS are through the mechanism of the results of surveys and censuses, but for this IDI we have to review newspapers, regional regulations, regulations, etc. which are further sharpened by the FGD and independent study, "said Kecuk Suhariyanto, Head of BPS in his remarks at the "IDI Book Launching and IDI Award Giving", at Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel, Jakarta, (13/12).

Abdul Malik Gismar, IDI Expert Council in his presentation welcomed the increasing democracy index in Indonesia which amounted to 72.11 compared to last year's 70.09. The reason is that democratic experts in the world consider that the atmosphere of world democracy is currently experiencing a setback. Furthermore, Wiranto, the Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security emphasized that democracy is a tool, not an end. "Democracy without stability is impossible," he stressed.

The preparation of the IDI, which is a collaboration between BPS and the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, BAPPENAS, Ministry of Home Affairs and the IDI Expert Council, has been ongoing since 2009. Kecuk acknowledges that the IDI numbers released year after year have fluctuated. This can be understood because of the dynamics of democracy in Indonesia. Furthermore, Kecuk also explained that in 2017 there were no provinces with IDI values ​​below 60 or badly categorized.

On this occasion, awards were also given to four provinces with IDI numbers above 80 (good category), namely DKI Jakarta, DI Yogyakarta (DIY), North Kalimantan (Kaltara), and Bangka Belitung Islands. Anies Baswedan (Governor of DKI Jakarta), Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X (Governor of DIY), and Irianto Lambrie (Governor of North Kalimantan) attended the event to receive the IDI award which was handed over directly by Wiranto.
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