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IDI, SDGs and RPJMN Determinant Indicators

IDI, SDGs and RPJMN Determinant Indicators

IDI, SDGs and RPJMN Determinant Indicators

November 12, 2019 | Other Activities

Bekasi - Indonesia is ranked 65th in the 2018 World Democracy Index (The economist, 2019), votes are often not a voice, democracy does not answer the problem (indifference) to inequality in society. These things are a bit of democratic events that occurred in this country. For this reason, a measurement (index) is needed to see how far democracy has gone in Indonesia.
Efforts towards that direction have been initiated by Bappenas together with the Coordinating Ministry for Politics, Law and Security (Kemenkopolhukam) RI, the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemendagri), and of course the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) which has been supported by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) since in 2007 in the form of the Indonesian Democracy Index (IDI).
Continuity in creating the quality of IDI data, one of which is maintained in the form of training of enumerators for the preparation of IDI. That is what routinely carried out by the BPS Directorate of Social Resilience (Hansos), which this year conducted a training titled Enumerator Training and Reconciliation for the Administration of IDI Compilation, 12-13 November 2019 at the Harris Hotel & Convention, Bekasi, West Java.
In his remarks, at the opening ceremony, Tuesday (12/11), Director of Politics and Communication of the National Development Planning Agency, Wariki Sutikno, said that the preparation of this IDI was one of the very important activities and had become a National Priority Program, and would continue to be maintained every year. . Wariki also entrusted all the preparation of IDI to BPS. "I see that BPS friends are always committed to objectivity, so we, with BPS, I basically trust BPS, I don't want to interfere with this," Wariki said, asking that BPS keep maintaining the objectivity.
In line with Wariki, BPS Director of Hansos Statistics, Harmawanti Marhaeni, in his speech also emphasized that IDI is not only important to be used in the RPJMN in the political field but also one of the targets of SDGs objective 16 (Peace, Justice and Resilient Institution). "So when we calculate IDI, it is not only in the national interest but also one of the indicators for global interests," he said.
Wanti, Harmawanti Marhaeni's nickname, also hopes that the enumerators, when collecting data, are not just collectors of data, but must be able to interpret the meaning of the data collected. "Friends all must be able to explain very clearly that this incident is included in the indicator. To be able to know that way means that we have to really understand the 28 indicators (IDI-ed) that exist. This is a fixed price for friends as IDI enumerators, "he stressed.
Also present at the opening ceremony, Deputy Assistant for Coordination of Democracy and Civil Society Organizations of Kemenkopolhukam, Budi Susanto, as well as competent speakers in matters of democracy, Wynandin Imawan (Former Deputy of BPS for Social Statistics), and Abdul Malik Gismar (Academic from Paramadina University). The trainees themselves are the personnel in the Field of Social Statistics and Responsible for Advances to Activities (PMUK) from BPS Provinces throughout Indonesia and Central BPS.
The hope for the future is that IDI continues to be used as a political development tool in Indonesia and also as one of the government's targets in the RPJMN.
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