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Recommendations for ROMANTIC Nan Statistics

Recommendations for ROMANTIC Nan Statistics

Recommendations for ROMANTIC Nan Statistics

April 8, 2019 | Other Activities

Jakarta - Do you know #SahabatData that organizers of sectoral statistical surveys are required to notify their survey implementation plans to BPS? This has been explained in Law No. 16/1997 concerning Statistics, PP No. 51/1999 concerning the Implementation of Statistics, Head of BPS No. 7/2000, and Perka BPS No. 9/2009.

In these legal products, it is stated that the organizers must follow the recommendations for conducting surveys provided by BPS. The goal is to avoid duplication of statistical activities and compile a database of sectoral metadata.

At present, the recommendation mechanism for statistical activities provided by BPS has been supported by online-based applications. "The system is deliberately given a name that is quite sociable, namely ROMANTIK Online," explained Ahlam, Head of the BPS Statistics Subdirectorate at the Dissemination of Recommendations on Statistics Activities at Aryaduta Hotel, this morning (26/3).

ROMANTIK Online which stands for Recommendation Activity Statistics Online is a web-based application system for managing mechanism recommendations for sectoral statistical activities. The features available in the application can be seen at the address https://romantik.bps.go.id.

In his presentation, Adhi Wiriana, Director of BPS Statistics Dissemination explained, "If you see https://sirusa.bps.go.id, then we can see there are many surveys there. With recommendations, we can avoid duplication," he said in front of around 100 representatives of ministries / institutions, educational institutions, and private survey institutions.

It is expected that with this online ROMANTIK, organizers can get benefits, among others facilitated in notifying the plan of statistical activities, facilitating recommendations, knowing the status of the recommendation process, and obtaining clear information regarding the mechanism of recommendations.
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