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Leadership Training

Leadership Training

Leadership Training

October 15, 2018 | Other Activities

Solo - BPS cooperates with Australian Bureau Statistics (ABS) for the past six years regularly holding leadership training for BPS structural officials. At the opening of the second wave of training in 2018, the Principal Secretary of BPS, Adi Lumaksono had the opportunity to attend and welcome 30 participants from the provincial / district / city BPS representatives, (8/10).

"As a National Statistical Office in Indonesia, BPS must be able to present quality data to guarantee government policies that are right on target. For this reason, BPS must be qualified from both technical and non-technical aspects, "Adi said. Technically in this case, of course, reliable statistical skills, while non-technical emphasis is placed on human resources, especially in terms of leadership. This training, in particular, is very important in the BPS reform efforts towards international standard institutions and in general, in order to realize good and clean governance.

On this occasion, Peter Harper as a facilitator from ABS and Celia Moss, the ABS Program Manager of Data Integration Partnership showed his enthusiasm for the BPS-ABS long-term cooperation. Various materials that are occasionally motivated and group games can create an enjoyable training environment.
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