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Increasing Statistics Insights, Media Attends Workshop with BPS

Increasing Statistics Insights, Media Attends Workshop with BPS

Increasing Statistics Insights, Media Attends Workshop with BPS

November 7, 2019 | Other Activities

JAKARTA - Like two sides of a coin, statistical data released by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) can always be viewed from two different angles. Media understanding of data is important because they are mouthpieces of information that will direct the public's view. At the opening of the Workshop on Improvement of Statistics Insights to the Media which took place at the Le Meridien Hotel Ballroom, Jakarta (07/11), Kecuk Suhariyanto as the Head of BPS stated that explicitly: that."

In his remarks, Kecuk also added, "One more thing that I must stress, independence is a fixed price for BPS", he said. Not taking sides, BPS always issues figures that reflect a portrait of Indonesia's true condition.

Moderated by Prita Laura, ex-news anchor of Metro TV, BPS echelon 1 ranks attended the workshop to provide an explanation to the media. "As journalists, we certainly have a moral responsibility to convey the right things to the public. That is why we need activities like this, which can increase our understanding of K / L terminology that cannot be easily understood by the public", said Prita.

One of the material raised at the event was Understanding Economic Growth Data which presented Deputy Deputy of Balance and Statistical Analysis, Sri Soelistyowati and Economic Observer, Anton Gunawan as a guest speaker.

In one of his dialogues with journalists, Sri Soelistyowati stated, "Mistakes in the terminology used by the media can have a significant impact. For example when household consumption growth is called down, not slowing down. Mindset of economic actors can be confused when reading the word down earlier, it seems that the purchasing power of the community is as if it no longer exists. In fact, this household consumption continues to grow, it's just that growth is smaller than the previous period. "

Other material that was also discussed at the workshop included SP2020: Towards One Population Data, Understanding Rice Production Data and Manufacturing Industry Data, and Understanding Tourism Data.
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