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BPS Holds FATS Workshop

BPS Holds FATS Workshop

BPS Holds FATS Workshop

September 13, 2018 | Other Activities

Jakarta - The impact of globalization on business activities and their influence on foreign direct investment (FDI) in Indonesia is information that needs to be explored further by BPS. This information can be used to identify how far the government of a country / institution / business entity / foreigner has a level of control over businesses in Indonesia, both in the form of direct investment, investment through domestic subsidiaries, and further investment channels.

Therefore, BPS held a Foreign Affiliate Trade Statistics (FATS) Workshop at the BPS Building, (4/9). In this workshop, BPS invited the EU-ASEAN Statistical Capacity Building Project (COMPASS), Thierry Coulet.

Coordination with several ministries / institutions also needs to be done to support FDI data. The workshop was also attended by representatives from Bank Indonesia, the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Investment Coordinating Board, the Financial Services Authority and the ASEAN Secretariat.

Deputy of BPS Distribution and Services Statistics, Yunita Rusanti said that the FATS data is very important in supporting the Gross Domestic Product data. "Although FATS data collection is difficult to do with a minimum coverage, this is still the responsibility of BPS. "The pilot survey in collecting FATS data has already been carried out, but there are still many obstacles encountered so it must be developed through this workshop," said Yunita.
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