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IRIO, Efforts to Overcome Inter-Regional Gaps in Indonesia

IRIO, Efforts to Overcome Inter-Regional Gaps in Indonesia

IRIO, Efforts to Overcome Inter-Regional Gaps in Indonesia

January 25, 2019 | BPS Activities

Bogor - "The players entered the field, Messi prepared to face Ronaldo. Welcome we say in the IRIO Preparation Activity Kick Off," welcomed the two program guides to all participants at the "Inter-Regional Input-Output (IRIO) Preparation Kick Off" at Aston Bogor Hotel, Thursday (1/24). This event synergizes with the activities of the previous day, namely "Simultaneous Consultation for the Preparation of 2018 Quarterly / Annual GDP / PDRB" in the same place. The participants who attended were not only from internal BPS, but also from representatives of ministries / agencies (K / L).

In his remarks, Sri Soelistyowati, Deputy Head of BPS Balance and Statistical Analysis, said that this was the first time BPS had compiled IRIO. "In order to support the spatial-based development plan, BPS was asked by the government to develop IRIO. In Indonesia, the preparation of the IRIO will be based on the framework of Supply and Use Tables (SUT) using 2016 data. For this reason, SUT will be prepared in 34 provinces. , "explained Lies, as soon as Sri Soelistyowati was greeted.

Oktorialdi, Expert Staff of the Minister of National Development Planning in the Field of Equality and Regional Affairs in his speech said about the expected contribution from IRIO in the Government Work Plan (RKP) in 2019. He further said, in strengthening the economic system in Indonesia, the Indonesian government must have interaction data and population mobility, capital, and investment. "The gap between regions is still large. IRIO preparation is a priority to support the RKP's second national priority this year, namely reducing regional disparities through strengthening connectivity and maritime affairs," he said.

The head of BPS, Kecuk Suhariyanto in his keynote speech also agreed if the gap between regions was still a problem in the Indonesian economy. Judging from economic growth figures, Java still dominates. "From the data on the growth rate (economy, red) and share (PDRB), the PR is reducing the gap between regions, between islands, between provinces," Kecuk added. Therefore, the preparation of the IRIO is considered to be able to answer these problems.

However, BPS cannot work alone. Kecuk assesses the 'crucial' phase for the success of the IRIO preparation is a joint commitment with stakeholders. There needs to be collaboration between BPS and ministries / institutions in conveying various types of data needed in the preparation of IRIO.

The participants were also provided with knowledge about IRIO from two speakers, namely D.R Priyarsono (Professor of IPB) and Hidayat Amir (Head of Center for Policy of the State Budget for Fiscal Revenues and Expenditures, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia).
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