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February 13, 2015 | Other Activities

On 12 January 2015, some unusual attributes were set in the Hall of BPS Building 1 floor 10. The hall was arranged and prepared for the arrival of special guests. Lobby hall was decorated with a banner containing the history of STATCAP CERDAS programs from 2007 until 2014. The most interesting was that the organizer provided marbles to be put in the so-called ‘bowl of fear’ that accommodated all worries in implementing STATCAP CERDAS programs. In addition, there is an artificial wall which is named ‘Sky of Hope’ where all the guests and employees can write their hopes for in the future. These all interesting attributes were parts of ‘STATCAP CERDAS Kick Off Meeting’. This kick off meeting is different from the usual promotional event organized by BPS. This event could be said as one of the premier events in 2015 which was special due to the attendance of Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas Andrinof Achir Chaniago. It was also attended by the senior officials of Bappenas, former Chief Statistician Rusman Heriawan, World Bank officials, representatives from international institutions, representatives from relevant ministries/agencies, and members of Indonesian Statistics Association (ISI). In the opening speech, the Chief Statistician Suryamin stated that the STATCAP CERDAS would continue to move forward to transform the BPS business processes from silo-based to functional-based orientation. Minister Andrinof Achir Chaniago appreciated BPS for this STATCAP CERDAS program. "I have seen the BPS progress that has gone further," he said. The kick off of the STATCAP CERDAS implementation was ceremonially commenced by the minister at the event, symbolizing the BPS readiness for it.
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