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Kick-Off Meeting and Workshop on OECD Accession for Statistics Commission

Kick-Off Meeting and Workshop on OECD Accession for Statistics Commission

Kick-Off Meeting and Workshop on OECD Accession for Statistics Commission

July 17, 2024 | Other Activities

Indonesia has taken a significant step towards joining the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) by officially receiving the Accession Roadmap and becoming one of the seven candidate countries. In 2024, the OECD expanded its committees from 20 to 26, including the Committee on Statistics and Statistical Policy (CSSP), with BPS leading Indonesia’s efforts in this area.

"The OECD accession process is a major national agenda, underscoring BPS's pivotal role in Indonesia's historical journey to joining the OECD," said Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti, Acting Chief Statistician of the BPS, at the opening of the Kick-Off Meeting and Workshop on OECD Accession for the Statistics Commission.

The four-day workshop brought together the OECD-CSSP task force to discuss the 12 recommendations that the National Statistical Office must meet. The discussions will be compiled into an Initial Memorandum.
Netty Muharni, Acting Deputy for Coordination of International Economic Cooperation at the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, highlighted the benefits of OECD membership. "Joining the OECD offers numerous advantages, including catalyzing domestic reforms, enhancing investment appeal, participating in OECD standards-setting, signaling Indonesia's progress towards developed country status, boosting Indonesia's global profile, and opening up potential global networking opportunities," she explained.

The event was attended by key figures including Julien Dupont, Coordinator of the Statistical Accession Reviews OECD; Natalie Limbasan, Senior Legal Advisor OECD; Massimo Geloso Grosso, Head of OECD Global Relations Directorate; Teresa Dickinson and Deepa Wright from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. They all pledged their support through mentorship during Indonesia's OECD accession process, particularly within the statistics committee.
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