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Socialization of the 2013 Agricultural Census Results

Socialization of the 2013 Agricultural Census Results

Socialization of the 2013 Agricultural Census Results

September 26, 2014 | BPS Activities

What are the agricultural census benefits for the farmers?

This question was immediately received in the SMS line which was opened for the mass media reporters in the Socialization of the 2013 Agricultural Census (the ST2013) Results at the Swiss Belhotel Jakarta, 12 August, 2014. This event was devoted for the mass media exclusively. Such question is basically simple of which the answer is core of the census purpose. ST2013 activities should benefit the farmers; however, the benefits are not immediately felt at the time of enumeration. "There is no direct benefit at the time of data collection, but it becomes the input to the government. This multiplier effect should be understood by respondents. The impact must be through government policy, "said the Chief Statistician Suryamin.

The socialization was the second time, after previously socialization that had been conducted in Bogor, 6 September 2013. BPS committed to keep a good relation with mass media as its partner to make its statistical outputs public. The event was attended by 90 participants from various mass media, relevant ministries. Serving as moderator was a Metro TV broadcaster Yohanna Margaretha.

Suryamin explained the ST2013 results are beneficial for the government to improve the agricultural sector and the welfare of the people engaged in agriculture. The Deputy Chief Statistician for Production Statistics, Adi Lumaksono more specifically stated, "This census describes what happened to one period. The portrait can be used by relevant ministries as an early warning in policy making. We take the pictures, but the ministries are in charge in the extent to which the portraits will be used. We do not only expect from government, but also from private sector to take part".

Arys Aditya from Bisnis Indonesia asked why the farmer welfare looked stagnant, whereas the agricultural census has been carried out six times. "Based on the contribution of the agricultural sector to economy, it is shrinking in the last 10 years despite the growth of this sector. This condition also occurs in several countries. The secondary and tertiary sectors such as telecommunications, finance and so on grow up too fast, leaving agricultural sector far behind as if it stagnates over the periods. But, actually it is growing, "said the deputy.
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