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Product - Publication

Import by Mode of Transport, 2019-2020

Import by Mode of Transport, 2019-2020

Catalog Number : 8202023
Publication Number : 06100.2179
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-438-446-3
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : December 17, 2021
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 4.89 MB


The transportation sector is part of the global distribution system. In relation to the distribution of goods, transportation and trade are two interrelated sectors. Transportation is the key to the distribution of goods, both in trade activities between countries (exports and imports) and trade between regions.In the International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS), it is recommended for compiler countries to present data on exports and imports of goods based on their mode of transportation at the most detailed commodity level. This is useful for monitoring international freight transportation routes, as a material for policy making in the transportation sector, and several other analytical purposes.The development of an adequate transportation system for passengers and goods needs to be supported by related data. Accurate data is the main key to successful development as well as being considered in making decisions and executing programs on target. The availability of international trade data by mode of transportation is useful to support this interest.During the 2020 period, Indonesia's total imports decreased 9.24 percent, from US$171,275.7 million to US$162,628.7 million. Sea transportation is still the main mode of transportation of imported goods. In 2020, as many as 98.21 percent of Indonesia's imported goods entered through sea transportation, which amounted to USD139,035.1 million. This value decreased by 17.50 percent compared to 2019. Indonesia's import activities until 2020 still depend on the main port on the island of Java. The port that is the largest import entry point is Tanjung Priok. The value of imports unloaded at Tanjung Priok Port in 2020 amounted to USD56,129.4 million (39.65 percent)
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