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Product - Publication

Information and Communication Technology Development Indeks 2019

Information and Communication Technology Development Indeks 2019

Catalog Number : 8305012
Publication Number : 06320.2003
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-438-356-5
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : December 15, 2020
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 3.1 MB


Information and Communication Technology Development Index (ICT-DI) was developed by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). ICT-DI is a standard measure of the level of ICT development in an area that can be compared over time and between regions. In addition, ICT-DI measures the growth of ICT development, digital gap between regions, and potential for ICT development. 2020 is the fifth year that BPS calculates ICT-DI using the latest method based on the 2016 Measuring Information Society book published by ITU. In the calculation, there are 11 indicators compiling ICT-DI which are divided into 3 sub-indexes, namely the access and infrastructure sub-index, the usage sub-index, and the expertise sub-index. The data used for calculating ICT-DI comes from BPS and secondary data from the Ministry of Communication and Information. ICT-DI in 2019 was 5.32, an increase compared to 2018 of 5.07 on a scale of 0-10. ICT-DI scor uses a scale of 0−10, where 10 shows the highest achievement of the indicator.
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