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Use and Utilization of Information and Communication Technology (P2TIK) in Education Sector 2018

Use and Utilization of Information and Communication Technology (P2TIK) in Education Sector 2018

Catalog Number : 8305010
Publication Number : 06320.1805
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : December 24, 2018
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 4.55 MB


The Use and Utilization Survey of Information and Communication Technology in the education sector was conducted on 4,014 schools spread across 34 provinces. Based on education level, elementary school and equivalent as much as 64.55 percent, junior high school and equivalent as much as 19.22 percent and high school and equivalent as much as 16.23 percent.The proportion of schools that use radio in teaching and learning activities (ED.1), for all levels of education is 19.08 percent. Based on the level of education, the level of high school education and the equivalent of radio use is greater, namely 22.36 percent, followed by elementary school and equivalent to 18.48 percent, then junior high school and equivalent to 18.30 percent.The proportion of schools that use television in teaching and learning activities (ED.2), for all education levels is 21.32 percent. Based on the level of education, the level of high school education and the equivalent of television use is greater, namely 25.59 percent, followed by junior high school and equivalent to 25.57 percent, then elementary school and equal to 18.97 percent.The proportion of schools that use telephones in teaching and learning activities (ED.3), for all education levels is 46.01 percent. Based on the level of education, the level of high school education and the equivalent of telephone use is greater, namely 73.56 percent, followed by junior high school and equivalent to 54.84 percent, then elementary school and equal to 36.45 percent.The proportion of schools that have internet access in accordance with the type of internet connection (ED.5), all levels prefer to access the internet with a fixed broadband connection, more precisely at 62.41 percent. Another type of connection, which is a narrowband fixed connection, is 9.90 percent. Meanwhile, those using mobile broadband connections were 34.85 percent and those using VSAT (satellite) were 4.01 percent.The proportion of students who access the internet at school (ED.6), for all levels of education is 33.67 percent. The proportion of teachers who have qualifications in the field of ICT (ED.8), for all education levels is 10.10 percent. Based on the level of education, the level of senior high school education and equivalent is 14.43 percent, followed by junior high school and equivalent to 11.33 percent, then elementary school and equivalent to 6.90 percent.
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