October 17, 2024 | Other Activities
BPS, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Home Affairs, and the Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency, held the dissemination of Indonesia's first Vital Statistics Report in Jakarta on October 17. Vital statistics refer to a collection of statistics that encompass key life events, as well as relevant characteristics of these events and the individuals involved. Examples of key life events include birth, marriage, divorce, and death.
This inaugural Vital Statistics Report is a realization of Presidential Regulation No. 62/2019 concerning the national strategy to accelerate population administration for the development of vital statistics. Moreover, the report is a concrete step towards fulfilling Indonesia's commitment to the Asia-Pacific CRVS Decade, where the country pledged to improve and develop its civil registration system to regularly produce vital statistics.
In his remarks, BPS Deputy for Social Statistics, Ateng Hartono, emphasized the importance of synergy and collaboration among all parties in producing the report. "We greatly appreciate the close collaboration between various government agencies and development partners in the realization of this Vital Statistics Report for Indonesia. This report is not the result of a single entity's efforts, but rather the outcome of strong cooperation and commitment from all stakeholders," said Ateng.
In the report, birth and death statistics are highlighted as essential components of the vital statistics system. These statistics not only serve as tools to understand demographic dynamics but also form the foundation for health and social policy planning. "When census/survey data and administrative data are harmonized, we create a comprehensive and high-quality foundation for policymaking—ensuring that every decision made is data-driven, efficient, and equitable," Ateng concluded.
Photo credit: Bappenas
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