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Discussion on Data Provision for Human Trafficking Crimes in Indonesia

Discussion on Data Provision for Human Trafficking Crimes in Indonesia

Discussion on Data Provision for Human Trafficking Crimes in Indonesia

June 21, 2024 | Other Activities

Human trafficking crimes (HTC) are among the most insidious transnational offenses, involving the exploitation of individuals through coercion, deceit, or threats. The Indonesian government is tirelessly striving to combat this heinous crime.
Accurate data on the number of victims and perpetrators of human trafficking within Indonesia is crucial for the effective implementation of government programs aimed at eradicating HTC. Additionally, this data is vital on an international level to meet the requirements of the Global Report on Trafficking in Persons for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
“Human trafficking is a critical issue as it concerns the welfare of many individuals and involves various government agencies. Therefore, collaboration to produce high-quality HTC data is essential in Indonesia,” stated Erik van der Veen, Head of Office UNODC Indonesia, during his speech at the Kick Off Meeting on Producing High-Quality Data on Trafficking in Persons in Indonesia at the BPS Office on May 27.
Ateng Hartono, Deputy Chief Statistician for Social Statistics at BPS, outlined three stages in the development of HTC data in Indonesia: meeting international indicators related to HTC; standardizing data and metadata according to the One Data Indonesia framework; and fostering collaboration and coordination to enhance data quality in line with the One Data Criminal Statistics Indonesia framework.
The event, attended by representatives from relevant ministries and agencies, also featured David Ravaux, Methodology Officer at UNODC-KOSTAT, as a keynote speaker.This initiative is expected to establish benchmarks for policy formulation related to HTC in Indonesia.
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