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Message from the BPS Head on 2019 National Statistics Day

Message from the BPS Head on 2019 National Statistics Day

Message from the BPS Head on 2019 National Statistics Day

October 7, 2019 | Other Activities

Every September 26, the Indonesian people always commemorate National Statistics Day, which is the birth day of Law Number 7 of 1960 concerning statistics.

"Statistics Day is a momentum to increase statistical literacy, public awareness about the importance of statistics in various fields of life. This year, the theme raised at the commemoration of National Statistics Day is "Towards Advanced Indonesia with Quality HR and Data".

This program is in line with the government's priority program for the next five years, namely to improve the quality of human resources that focuses on health, vocational education, institutions, and talent management.

The complexity of the problem requires accuracy in decision making, statistical data is very important to describe the complexity, so that the government and other parties have a strong foundation to make more specific policy making, "BPS Head, Kec. Suhariyanto.
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