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National Statistics Day Seminar 2021

National Statistics Day Seminar 2021

National Statistics Day Seminar 2021

September 27, 2021 | Other Activities

“Quality Statistics for Resilient Indonesia, Indonesia Grows” is the theme for the 2021 National Statistics Day (HSN). HSN is not the anniversary of BPS but the day of the enactment of Law Number 7 of 1960 concerning Statistics.

A series of activities were carried out by BPS to commemorate the 2021 HSN. The climax, on Saturday (25/9), a national seminar entitled “Big Data Practice in the Public Sector” took place virtually (via Zoom and YouTube).

Head of BPS, Margo Yuwono, in his speech said that HSN is a momentum to realize the important role of statistics in evidence-based policy and decision making, whether carried out by the government, stakeholders, and the wider community for various interests. The keynote speaker, the Indonesian Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, at the same time said the importance of accurate and correct statistical data in planning to measure the success of agricultural sector development in Indonesia.

The 2021 HSN seminar presented speakers; Imam Machdi (Deputy for Methodology and Statistical Information of BPS), Sudarto (Expert Staff for Organization, Bureaucracy, and Communication Technology at the Ministry of Finance), Edmon Makarim (Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia), and Muhammad Ghifary (Senior Vice President of Digital Banking Division BRI ).

The seminar discussed how big data is managed and the challenges of its use in the public sector. In this era of disruption, BPS as a provider of Indonesian statistical data, of course, strives to adapt and transform in statistical business processes in order to produce the latest statistical data quickly. One of them is by optimizing big data as an alternative new data source that can complement official statistics.

At the same time, the Head of BPS launched the 2023 Agricultural Census (ST2023) logo, which is the seventh agricultural census conducted by BPS. Happy National Statistics Day 2021. Together, let's create Quality Statistics for Resilient Indonesia, Growing Indonesia.
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