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Located in Building 1, 10th Floor of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), "EXIT MEETING" was held to discuss the results of the evaluation of the bureaucratic reform (RB) and BPS SAKIP 2019 (01/24/2020). The activity was opened by BPS Main Secretary, Adi Lumaksono, and was attended by BPS senior leaders, Dra. Nadimah, MBA (Head of BPS RB Evaluator Team), RB implementers in echelon I units, and change champions at BPS.
"There are three keys that BPS always refers to in maintaining data quality, namely speed, accuracy, and accuracy. Utilization of technology both in the context of supporting statistical business processes and in the context of improving external and internal services has been carried out by BPS in line with the mandate of implementing Bureaucratic Reform, "Adi said. In addition, the use of big data, the use of devices for data collection and funding processes in the field, as well as the development of application systems, shows the creation of an e-Government work system at BPS. This is once again an effort to accelerate the availability of data for users, both the Ministry of Institutions, Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) and the wider community at home and abroad. BPS RB Index in 2018 was 77.51 percent or only increased by 0.30 percent compared to the previous year. Adi hopes that BPS's hard work in 2019 can increase the Index number more significantly compared to 2018.
"Indeed, many achievements have been achieved by BPS, but the RB is a continuous improvement. So there must be things left that are our responsibility to improve in the following years, "Nadimah said in response to Adi's previous statement. In his presentation he delivered a number of things that still had to be corrected by BPS in the future.
In his closing remarks, Adi once again expressed his hope, "Hopefully the evaluation results will be good news for BPS as well as being a booster so that BPS works better in the future in order to realize BPS-Statistics Indonesia as a world-class statistical institution," he said.