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Launching AGRO, Theme Song, and Tagline ST2023

Launching AGRO, Theme Song, and Tagline ST2023

Launching AGRO, Theme Song, and Tagline ST2023

December 16, 2021 | BPS Activities

"The 2023 Agricultural Census is designed so that the results obtained are of international standard referring to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) program known as the World Program for the Census of Agriculture (WCA)," said Deputy for Production Statistics, M. Habibullah at the Launching event. Agriculture Room (AGRO), Theme Song, and Tagline ST2023.

Meanwhile, the Head of BPS, Margo Yuwono, said that the ST2023 results should be used as government data and information in designing a sustainable agricultural transformation in Indonesia and ensuring Indonesia's role at the global level.

The event which was held at the Four Star by Trans Hotel in Bali (16/12) was a collaboration between BPS and FAO as a form of support for the implementation of ST2023 in Indonesia. Representative/Country Director of FAO for Indonesia and Timor Leste, Rajendra Aryal, who was also present, expressed his support for Indonesia as one of the countries with the best agricultural system in the world.

"There is a huge hope for the next Agriculture Census in Indonesia. Data generated by the planned Agriculture Census 2023 is expected to provide structural data to enable comparison of major shifts in Indonesia's agriculture sector over six decades," said Rajendra.

As a form of BPS readiness in implementing ST2023, BPS launched a ST2023 secretariat named the Agriculture Room (AGRO) at central BPS and regional BPS. The statement of determination to succeed ST2023 was delivered live via Zoom by 34 provincial BPS using traditional clothes and regional languages.

With the inauguration of AGRO ST2023, it is hoped that it will facilitate coordination and communication related to ST2023 throughout the region. The ST2023 theme song and tagline which were also launched were not only an element of encouragement but also ST2023's publicity material.

#BPS Activities
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