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Virtual Statistics Corner

Virtual Statistics Corner

Virtual Statistics Corner

September 28, 2021 | BPS Activities

BPS launched the Virtual Statistical Corner in a webinar themed “Improving Statistical Literacy through the Statistical Corner for a Resilient Indonesia, a Growing Indonesia”, Tuesday (28/9).

In his remarks at the launch, the Head of BPS, Margo Yuwono, said that BPS seeks to provide quality public services, which in its implementation always develop according to the needs of the community and changes in all fields. Since 2011, the BPS Integrated Statistics Service (PST) which is present at the central, provincial, and district/city levels has continued to innovate. The presence of the Virtual Statistics Corner is the latest innovation of PST BPS in collaboration with universities.

BPS has initiated the establishment of a Statistical Corner which is based offline or face-to-face at several universities, such as Hasanudin University (2019), North Sumatra University (2020), and Padang State University (2021). The Statistical Corner is a statistical service media that aims to improve literacy and use of statistics among students and academics, as well as to support the Merdeka Learning activities at the Merdeka Campus.

The offline Statistics Corner was later developed into online or virtual, as learning methods changed since the Covid-19 pandemic. The Virtual Statistics Corner displays attractively packaged content and combines services and access to statistics learning without regional boundaries. The content and services presented are the result of a synergy between BPS and universities.

In addition to the Launching of the Virtual Statistics Corner, the webinar featured discussions with experts in the field of public services and education, namely Nizam (Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology of the Ministry of Education and Culture) as keynote speaker as well as several resource persons, such as Imam Machdi (Deputy for Methodology and Statistical Information of BPS). ), Yudhie Andriyana (Chairman of FORSTAT), and Muhammad Imanuddin (Expert Staff to the Minister of PANRB for Political and Legal Affairs).

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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