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NAS Deputy Concert: Increase Collaboration

NAS Deputy Concert: Increase Collaboration

NAS Deputy Concert: Increase Collaboration

January 31, 2020 | Other Activities

Jakarta - "Appreciation from the international world for BPS and the Deputy for NAS (Balance and Statistical Analysis) is good. The Deputy for NAS is often a reference for pilot studies for activities at the global level. The challenges are also not insignificant," said Deputy of Balance and Statistics Analysis ( NAS) BPS, Sri Soelistyowati when officially opening the integrated workshop of the Deputy of the NAS on Tuesday (1/21).

Located at the Fairmont Hotel Jakarta, 20-24 January 2020 the NAS Deputy held an integrated event Concurrent GDP (PDRB) Concert, IPM Reconciliation, Thematic Welfare Indicator Workshop (Inkesra), and Inter Regional Input Output (IRIO) Preparation in 2020. Participants The concert consisted of the head of the regional balance and statistical analysis section (Nerwilis), the head of the production balance section, the consumption balance section, and the cross-sector statistical analysis section from 34 provinces.

The indicator of economic growth is one of the important information that is often asked by many parties such as the DPR and BPK. Through this indicator we can see the condition of the Indonesian economy. Economic growth that is still growing is a signal to increase investment in Indonesia. This year, said Lies (the nickname of Sri Soelistyiwati), the target of economic growth at the end of 2024 was 6.8 percent.

Sri Soelistyowati asked the Concert participants to actively collaborate with OPD (Regional Apparatus Organization). The task of BPS is to provide basic statistics, and provide guidance to OPD for the supply of sectoral data.

In addition to describing the achievements of the NAS Deputy, Lies also touched on problems and innovations to accelerate the completion of activities. Concert participants were asked not only to focus on business processes but also to improve the quality of outputs to be outcomes. For this reason, district / city GRDP data and HDI are requested to be accelerated so that they become input in the Musrembangda activities. If this can be fulfilled by the district / city Nerwilis ranks, the achievement of BPS PMPRB is expected to be better.

Some national priority activities that will be discussed include PMTB, Supply and Use Table (SUT), TSA and IRIO. These activities are scheduled and interrelated. For example, the SUT is not complete if the PMTB is not ready. "Pay attention to PMTB to be online with SUT," Lies ordered.

Furthermore, Lies also requested that friends speed up the achievements that have been set. Achievement of activities that appear in the output, hopefully, if it can be increased to an outcome, can be a support for institutional equality which can also have an impact on the adjustment of performance allowances.
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