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Deputy for Disjas Holds 14 Surveys This Year

Deputy for Disjas Holds 14 Surveys This Year

Deputy for Disjas Holds 14 Surveys This Year

March 13, 2019 | Other Activities

Sleman - The strains of Yogyakarta's classical music accompany the footsteps of the dancers who walk towards the stage to begin the classical dance of Yogyakarta, the Golek Ayun-Ayun Dance. "Welcome to the Special Province of Yogyakarta which is truly special and welcoming," said JB Priyono, Head of BPS of DI Yogyakarta Province welcoming 180 participants of the Integrated National Instructor Training Inter-Regional Trade Survey (PAW), Nusantara Tourist Survey (Wisnus), and e-Survey Commerce in 2019, (9/3).

A large number of survey events are being prepared by the BPS Deputy for Distribution and Services Statistics (BPS). Unmitigated, 14 surveys will be held this year. Some of them are the Quarterly Business Activities Survey, the Inter-Regional Trade Survey, the Trade Distribution Pattern Survey, the e-Commerce Survey, the Market Profile Survey, the Updates of Trading Business Companies, and the Business Characteristic Survey (BCS). The last three surveys are new surveys conducted by BPS.

In his remarks when opening this event, Yunita Rusanti, Deputy of the BPS Service and Distribution Statistics, hoped that some surveys could be integrated, especially those with a pattern that was not significantly different between months or quarters. "One example is BCS, which is a new survey of integration from the P2TIK Survey, Infocom, Science and Technology, and Innovation," he said.
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