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Tree of Hope, Collaboration on Humanizing Health Statistics

Tree of Hope, Collaboration on Humanizing Health Statistics

Tree of Hope, Collaboration on Humanizing Health Statistics

November 29, 2019 | Other Activities

Jakarta - An artificial leaf of hope tree looks beautiful in the lobby of the Harris Hotel Vertu, Harmony (11/27). The tree is at the same time a marker of the Socialization of Health Statistics activities with the theme "Towards Advanced Indonesia through Quality Health Statistics". All participants are expected to write their expectations of the quality of statistical data and health conditions in Indonesia on a piece of paper, then hang them on the tree of hope.

Attended by representatives of ministries / institutions, international organizations, representatives of academics, organizations and non-governmental organizations. The event opened with a drum beat by Endo Taiko group. The program was attractively presented with a symbolic collaboration of all invited guests who directed the laser towards the screen to destroy health problems.

"To create superior human resources, human resource development must start from the baby in the womb. Therefore, the accreditation of human resource development lies in the health of pregnant women, infant health, toddler health and the health of school-age children. That is the importance of Health Statistics," said Margo Yuwono , Deputy of Statistics BPS for Social Affairs when giving a speech.

Agus Suprapto, Deputy for Health Improvement Coordinating for the Ministry of PMK, agrees with Margo's words. "If BPS progresses, this country will advance faster. We are in a fast-paced era. Everything is determined by the quality of human resources. The data is from BPS. Therefore BPS must be the key in Indonesia's future," he said.

The Health Statistics Socialization presented experts as resource persons in a talkshow to dissect health statistics, the direction of health development policies, health development programs, and the role of academics in supporting human resource development. Sri Moertiningsih Adioetomo, Professor of Economics at the University of Indonesia juxtaposed with Inti Wikanestri, Head of Health and Pharmaceutical Services Sub Directorate, Directorate of Community Health and Nutrition, National Development Planning Agency, and Wisnu Trianggono, Head of Administration of the Family Health Directorate of the Ministry of Health.

"The quality of the data must continue to improve. While all BPS personnel must immediately be able to humanize the numbers. I can talk to this place because the data produced by BPS," said Prof. Tuning, this familiar UI Demography expert. He also conveyed the importance of juxtaposing health and statistics, bearing in mind the three basic things that must be done in building human resources are health development, education, then ending with character development.

Health is an important aspect in the development of superior human resources. The government has formulated various policies in the health sector to improve the quality of life of the Indonesian people. Therefore, on this occasion, BPS invites all stakeholders to collaborate in building accurate and quality health statistics.
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